Archive for May, 2009



It has been many years since I left home. I cannot believe that I never took the time to take pictures of my little town. On returning home in 2008, I decided to walk down the street with my mother and take some pictures of the surrounding area. After a few months went by, I looked back at the pictures and realized that these are the streets that I grew up on and the people I remembered while walking down the street. I then long to return to take more pictures and really remember my past. Some of the areas have started to fall apart and deteriorate with the passing of time. When I looked back, I could see those days of sitting on the front porch and watching people pass by and saying hello to everyone you knew and even those you didn’t know. Those hot summer days could only be relieved with a glass of ice cold kool-aid or lemonade. I remembered the days when it seem to take forever to walk downtown and now when I get in my car it only takes 3 minutes. The entire town takes about 15 minutes to go through. I can remember those hot summer nights when the sound of a window fan blowing warm air could rock you to sleep. Even the sound of heavy rain against a tin roof was soothing. I guess that’s why we continue to long for the south. The memories are never ending. Many things have changed like the fruit bearing trees. As a child, I was never short on fruit. Just walking down the street you could find figs, grapes, blackberries, and apples all of that is gone to make room for progress. The pecan trees have managed to survive through time. There are still the homemade businesses that some started, but not as successful as others. The young people are still hanging out and walking around as if no particular place to go and maybe wondering will they ever leave this place. Whoever left is considered successful in their eyes and they treat them with much respect. It’s funny when I visit and others still remember me and call me by name, even if I haven’t seen them in years. Most of the time I can’t recognize them, but I put on my southern hospitality and chat until they help me remember. It takes about two days for me to make the switch from my northern way of thinking and let the innocent southern side of me come through. How I hate that I have to mentally become southern. I wish I could have it all the time. They are the best people when it comes to sincerity and genuine hospitality. The northerners look at it as ignorance, but not understand what appears to be naïve is a calm way of life. Now more northerners are moving south to capture this way of life. Next time I go home, I am sure to take pictures with a keener interest of the past and share it with the world through my eyes. But now this is all I have, and you will soon have to see why they sing about it, “take me home country roads.”


Tristan 2/8/95 – 5/17/08

This is Tristan. He was the first kitty my daughter had and the first pet with so much hair. He took on the same disposition as our family. Relaxing and hanging out together until it was time to eat. I loved it when I would be sitting at the computer and he would gently tap my thigh to let me know it was time to give him his soft food. If I didn’t get up within the next 30 minutes, he would run up and down the stairs really fast and look at you to get your attention. After a while, you had to get up because the stairs were noisey with his weight and nails pounding on them. At times he would add some whining with that. When he got what he wanted, he was quiet again. I kind of liked it. It was good excercise for him even though he didn’t know it. Tristan is no longer with us, but to me he is always living in my mind. I think of him everyday. It has only been a year since he died, but thinking of him makes me smile and cry. When I got him, I wasn’t sure whether I could live with a cat and all that hair, but eventually you don’t notice it as much. Even when it is stuck to your face and you are contantly peeling it off, you keep kissing and hugging him. I grew to love him so much just thinking of him makes me tear up and that makes it hard for me to see what I am typing. He shared something wonderful with me and taught me patience. I say this because when he got sick I took care of him for another year and a half. I was not ready to let go of my little friend. I cried so much after he got sick that my husband said if I don’t cry just as much or more for him when he dies, he would be disppointed. Tristan seemed as if he was preparing me for what would happen by hanging on until I could let go. I never thought I would have wee pads through-out my house and not entertain during that time. He was good until the last 3 months when he could barely see, but kept getting up to find his wee pads in order to keep his dignity. Then finally, it was as if he said “I am tired mommy” and I had to let him go. He started having uncontrollable seizures and I had to let go. My friends allowed me to bury him in their backyard between two big trees. She cares very nicely for that area.
This is not all sad, because I have soooooo many pictures and videos of him that keeps him so fresh in my mind. I never thought I could love a pet so much, but Tristan made it so easy to love him. He was a joy and treasure to behold. I will always miss him, but never forget him. Once again my heart is hurting and my eyes are full of tears, but my mind is full of memories. I must go, thanks for reading about my Tristan.



This is a photo I have treasured for many years. First of all, it’s my debut of shooting with an SLR, and second it’s a picture of my daughter. I love the pureness and innocence captured on her face. She is absolutely stunning and youthful. What she was thinking I don’t know, but I was thinking memories. Time passes, but not forgotten.


Vine Lady

The Vine Lady was taken in Nashville’s mall. By the way, very nice inside and many things to take pictures of. But, the Vine lady caught me by surprise as I was shooting what I thought to be more interesting things. Low and behold she came walking past me wrapping herself around poles and turning this way and that that I had to start shooting everything she did. It would had been smart on my part while carrying my Canon 30D, to check the settings, but no I just fired away not wanting to miss a thing. Let’s say it is better to get one good shot than twenty blurry shots and have only one decent blurry shot to share. Next time I will be ready.


Silver Man

Walking along in Nashville Tennesse, we spotted this man talking with someone and then he noticed me with my camera and struck a pose. I had to get closer because he looked interesting. As I got closer, I knew he was a tourist prop and I did what most tourists would do snap as many shots until I got the look. Here it is and I love it. Great look!



While vacationing in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, I waited for this swan to do something interesting while keeping the camera focused on him. This is one shot I love. They are so graceful in whatever position they turn their heads.


Cicada Bug

While traveling through Virginia, we encounter these big bugs called Cicada. They fly without fear into anything in it’s path. When we lived on Cape Cod, they grouped in trees near-by and at night they were noisey with song. Thank goodness they only say hello every 13 years. Maybe if we ate them they wouldn’t be such a pest.


Early Spring

Each year I take a photo of this tree budding. Last year, 2008, was my last year because the tree came crashing down on my car. No damage to the car, but I miss the tree and my yearly photos.



Welcome to eyephotography. Here I will post what I was thinking as I snapped my photos shown, but also some of my most interesting subjects. I hope you enjoy them.

May 2009



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May 2009
